For sale is a 2020 KTM 350 SX-F with 142 hours on it. I bought this bike with the intent to use the frame for the Panthera 600cc 2 stroke snow bike project. I stripped it all the way to the frame and then ended up reassembling it, so everything has been inspected and is in good shape. Bike runs strong and has no issues. Fork seals and fork oil are brand new. Inner fork cartridge was not serviced. Has a bib mousse in the front tire. Rear tire is tubed. Right radiator is slightly bent but does not leak or impact performance or plastics alignment.
Bike has a ribbed DeCal Works seat cover, AXP skid plate, and Hinson clutch cover. Extras that come with the bike include 3 NoToil air filters, handguards, a linkage skid plate, extra levers, the stock seat cover, and an Acerbis 3.2 gallon tank. I have ridden this bike 3 times since it’s been reassembled. It rips and runs strong. Clean and clear Utah title in hand; that’s where I bought the bike, so they sent me a new Utah title in my name when the seller I bought it from took care of his lien on the bike.
I am asking $5,300 or best offer. The bike is located in Bozeman, Montana. Shipping is available for an extra fee.
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