I recently bought my first ever brand-new dirt bike from Redline Sports in Butte, Montana! I picked up a 2025 KTM 300 XC-W and got to work installing protection parts and other upgrades before taking it out for the first ride.

Linked below are each of the parts I used on the bike. Some links go to Rocky Mountain, where I earn a commission on your purchases. For those parts not available on RM, I have linked directly to the product on the respective company websites. Massive thank you to the amazing companies that helped to make this possible! Some parts are sponsored while others I purchase at full retail price, but every part I’ve installed on this bike is a part I trust and selected carefully.

My custom graphics kit was done by DeCal Works, who knocked it out of the park!

Crosslinked Components Parts

Slavens Parts

Phathead Racing

I’m doing continued testing between the TSP cylinder head and the Phathead racing cylinder head. Phathead cylinder heads are made in the USA and offered for a wide variety of 2 stroke dirt bikes.

IMS Parts

Bullet Proof Designs Parts

Tire and Wheel Setup

SXS Protection Parts

Other Parts

With Support From: